Results for 'Ubaldus de Vries Lyana Francot‐Timmermans'

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  1.  36
    Eyes Wide Shut: On Risk, Rule of Law and Precaution.Lyana Francot-Timmermans & Ubaldus De Vries - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (2):282-301.
    The rule of law offers legal certainty, laying down boundaries to the state's playing field. The precautionary approach stipulates that the absence of scientific certainty is no reason not to act to prevent harm. Here, uncertainty frames action. The precautionary approach potentially expands the state's playing field, and this expansion might well undermine the precepts of the rule of law. The certainty-uncertainty axis exposes a tension between the rule of law and the precautionary approach in what Ulrich Beck has termed (...)
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    No Way Out? Contracting About Modern Risks.Lyana Francot & Ubaldus de Vries - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (2):199-215.
    This article seeks to illustrate the relevance of social theory for the study and practice of law. As social theory reports on changes that influence societal structures, the question for lawyers is how these changes affect law and what this means for its role and function. To this end, the article draws on Ulrich Beck’s theory of the risk society and reflexive modernization to provide the relevant perspective. This theory reports upon and explains the so-called side effects of modernization that (...)
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  3. Normativity in the Second Modernity.Lyana Francot & Ubaldus R. M. T. De Vries - 2008 - Rechtstheorie 39 (4):477-494.
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  4. No Way Out?: Contracting About Modern Risks.Lyana Francot & Bald de Vries - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (2):199-215.
    This article seeks to illustrate the relevance of social theory for the study and practice of law. As social theory reports on changes that influence societal structures, the question for lawyers is how these changes affect law and what this means for its role and function. To this end, the article draws on Ulrich Beck's theory of the risk society and reflexive modernization to provide the relevant perspective. This theory reports upon and explains the so-called side effects of modernization that (...)
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  5. The Normative Turn in Teubner’s Systems Theory of Law.Lyana Francot-Timmermans & Emilios Christodoulidis - 2011 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 40 (3):187-190.
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    Raymond De Vries replies.Raymond De Vries Iii - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (4):4-5.
  7. Empirical ethics and its alleged meta-ethical fallacies.Rob de Vries & Bert Gordijn - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):193-201.
    This paper analyses the concept of empirical ethics as well as three meta-ethical fallacies that empirical ethics is said to face: the is-ought problem, the naturalistic fallacy and violation of the fact-value distinction. Moreover, it answers the question of whether empirical ethics (necessarily) commits these three basic meta-ethical fallacies.
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  8. Reflective Equilibrium and Empirical Data: Third Person Moral Experiences in Empirical Medical Ethics.Martine de Vries & Evert van Leeuwen - 2009 - Bioethics 24 (9):490-498.
    ABSTRACT In ethics, the use of empirical data has become more and more popular, leading to a distinct form of applied ethics, namely empirical ethics. This ‘empirical turn’ is especially visible in bioethics. There are various ways of combining empirical research and ethical reflection. In this paper we discuss the use of empirical data in a special form of Reflective Equilibrium (RE), namely the Network Model with Third Person Moral Experiences. In this model, the empirical data consist of the moral (...)
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  9. The shibboleth effect : on reading Paul Celan.Hent de Vries - 2007 - In Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly, Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    Moralities of Method: Putting Normative Arguments in Their (Social and Cultural) Place.Raymond De Vries - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (10):40-42.
    Volume 19, Issue 10, October 2019, Page 40-42.
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    Religious and Receptive Coping Importance for the Well-Being of Christian Outpatients and Parishioners.Margreet R. de Vries-Schot, Joseph Z. T. Pieper & Marinus H. F. van Uden - 2012 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 34 (2):173-189.
    This article presents the results of a study in The Netherlands among two groups of religious people: i.e., 165 Christian outpatients and 171 parishioners. In this study, we focused on the following main questions. To what degree did these two groups of Christians practice positive religious coping, negative religious coping and receptive coping? What are the relationships between these three coping strategies? To what degree were positive religious, negative religious and receptive coping activities related to the well-being of the respondents? (...)
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    A commentary on the Phaedrus of Plato.Gerrit Jacob de Vries - 1969 - Amsterdam,: Adolf M. Hakkert.
  13.  56
    ‘I am your son, mother’: severe dementia and duties to visit parents who can’t recognise you.Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):17-24.
    It is commonly assumed that many, if not most, adult children have moral duties to visit their parents when they can do so at reasonable cost. However, whether such duties persist when the parents lose the ability to recognise their children, usually due to dementia, is more controversial. Over 40% of respondents in a public survey from the British Alzheimer’s Society said that it was “pointless” to keep up contact at this stage. Insofar as one cannot be morally required to (...)
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    Obstetric Ethics and the Invisible Mother.Raymond De Vries - 2017 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 7 (3):215-220.
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    Advance care planning for older people: The influence of ethnicity, religiosity, spirituality and health literacy.Kay de Vries, Elizabeth Banister, Karen Harrison Dening & Bertha Ochieng - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1946-1954.
    In this discussion paper we consider the influence of ethnicity, religiosity, spirituality and health literacy on Advance Care Planning for older people. Older people from cultural and ethnic minorities have low access to palliative or end-of-life care and there is poor uptake of advance care planning by this group across a number of countries where advance care planning is promoted. For many, religiosity, spirituality and health literacy are significant factors that influence how they make end-of-life decisions. Health literacy issues have (...)
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  16. Wat niet te doen?G. H. de Vries - 1999 - Krisis 77:18-20.
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    Wetenschaps-en techniekonderzoekers, waar is de geest gebleven?G. H. de Vries - 2001 - Krisis 2 (1):62-78.
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  18. Plato's beeld Van de mens.G. J. De Vries - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (3):426-439.
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    Theophrastus On Pericles' Last Illness.G. J. De Vries - 1975 - Mnemosyne 28 (2):193-193.
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  20. A life-cycle approach highlights the nutritional and environmental superiority of agroecology over conventional farming.Alik Pelman, Jerke De Vries, Sigal Tepper, Gidi Eshel, Yohay Carmel & Alon Shepon - 2024 - Plos Sustainability and Transformation 3 (6):1-20.
    Providing equitable food security for a growing population while minimizing environmental impacts and enhancing resilience to climate shocks is an ongoing challenge. Here, we quantify the resource intensity, environmental impacts and nutritional output of a small (0.075 ha) low-input subsistence Mediterranean agroecological farm in a developed nation that is based on intercropping and annual crop rotation. The farm provides one individual, the proprietor, with nutritional self-sufficiency (adequate intake of an array of macro- and micro-nutrients) with limited labor, no synthetic fertilizers (...)
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    (1 other version)‘Today a Christian Nation, Tomorrow a Muslim Nation’: a Defence of Rotating State Religions.Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):301-316.
    In more than 20% of countries, a single religion is recognized in the constitution. This article argues that there are good reasons for opposing such ‘mono-recognition’ as it fails to show due concern to members of constitutionally unrecognized religions. Yet rather than opting for disestablishment as Sweden did in 2000, I show that there may be a better alternative in many cases: To constitutionally recognize a variety of religions. After distinguishing synchronic forms of plural recognition whereby multiple religions are constitutionally (...)
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  22. Ethical issues at the interface of clinical care and research practice in pediatric oncology: a narrative review of parents' and physicians' experiences.Martine C. de Vries, Mirjam Houtlosser, Jan M. Wit, Dirk P. Engberts, Dorine Bresters, Gertjan Jl Kaspers & Evert van Leeuwen - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):1-11.
    Pediatric oncology has a strong research culture. Most pediatric oncologists are investigators, involved in clinical care as well as research. As a result, a remarkable proportion of children with cancer enrolls in a trial during treatment. This paper discusses the ethical consequences of the unprecedented integration of research and care in pediatric oncology from the perspective of parents and physicians. An empirical ethical approach, combining (1) a narrative review of (primarily) qualitative studies on parents' and physicians' experiences of the pediatric (...)
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    Deception and self‐deception in health care.Jan M. A. de Vries & Fiona Timmins - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (3):163-172.
    Deception is part of the natural repertoire of adaptive behaviours in many organisms. In humans we see it in all domains of human activity including health care. Within health care, deception can be a matter of concern, but it is also used to protect patients, for instance against overwhelming and negative diagnostics. This paper demonstrates that deception and self‐deception are closely interlinked and that self‐deception facilitates deception. Furthermore, self‐deception tends to be used to reduce the discomfort we feel when we (...)
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    Three Nightmare Traits in Leaders.Reinout E. de Vries - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:319902.
    This review offers an integration of dark leadership styles with dark personality traits. The core of dark leadership consists of Three Nightmare Traits (TNT)—leader dishonesty, leader disagreeableness, and leader carelessness—that are conceptualized as contextualized personality traits aligned with respectively (low) honesty-humility, (low) agreeableness, and (low) conscientiousness. It is argued that the TNT, when combined with high extraversion and low emotionality, can have serious (‘explosive’) negative consequences for employees and their organizations. A Situation-Trait-Outcome Activation (STOA) model is presented in which a (...)
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    Why Can't We All Just Get Along? A Comment on Turner's Plea to Social Scientists and Bioethicists.Raymond de Vries - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (1):43.
    Okay, Professor Turner is not Rodney King. He is not responding to bioethicists and social scientists running amuck, setting automobiles aflame, and pelting each other with rocks and broken bottles. He does not come right out and ask, “Why can't we all just get along?” But in its academic way, Turner's essay is an effort to negotiate a truce in the interdisciplinary squabbles that plague bioethics, a plea to move bioethics beyond the “misleading” and “unhelpful” “demarcation of disciplinary goals” that (...)
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  26.  85
    The Uses and Abuses of Moral Theory in Bioethics.Raymond De Vries - 2011 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 14 (4):419-430.
    Moral theory is an important guide to bioethical decision-making, but it can confuse and mislead those who offer ethical advice to clinicians and researchers, delaying decisions that must be made in a timely fashion. In this paper I examine the ways moral theory can lead bioethicists astray. Absent a sensitivity to the empirical realities of ethical problems, moral theory 1) contributes to the disappearance of the persons caught in an ethical quandary, 2) focuses on the puzzle-solving rather than examining the (...)
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  27.  34
    Why visiting one’s ageing mother is not enough: on filial duties to prevent and alleviate parental loneliness.Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):127-133.
    As people grow old, many risk becoming chronically lonely which is associated with e.g. depression, dementia, and increased mortality. Whoever else should help to protect them from this risk, various philosophers have argued that any children that they might have will often be among them. Proceeding on this assumption, this article considers what filial duties to protect ageing parents from loneliness consist of, or might consist of. I develop my answer by showing that a view that may be intuitively plausible, (...)
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    Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation.Hugo De Vries & D. T. Macdougal - 1905 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 2 (16):438-441.
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  29. The Present State of Studies On Germanic Religion.Jan de Vries - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (18):78-92.
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    Hegel on Representation and Thought.Willem de Vries - 1987 - Idealistic Studies 17 (2):123-132.
    According to H. H. Price, there have been two major approaches to understanding what it is to have a concept: the classical theory and the symbolist theory. The classical theory, whose heritage extends at least to Plato, takes having a concept to be a relation to a special sort of object, usually called a concept or universal. The kind of relation the thinking mind has to this object is most often conceived as analogous to sight, a version of the classical (...)
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    Multiculturalism and Temporary Migrant Workers.Bouke de Vries - 2017 - In Anna Triandafyllidou, Multicultural Governance in a Mobile World. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 265-282.
  32.  20
    Bron of Wisselwerking.G. H. de Vries, T. Swierstra & P. van Tongeren - 1998 - Krisis 69:58-64.
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    Notes On Anthol. Palat. Xi 375.G. J. De Vries - 1974 - Mnemosyne 27 (2):178-178.
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    Spel bij Plato.Gerrit Jacob de Vries - 1949 - Amsterdam,: Noord-Hollandsche Uitg. Mij.
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    Re-Imagining a Politics of Life: From Governance of Order to Politics of Movement.Leonie Ansems de Vries - 2014 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Unearthing the radical potential at the heart of canonical political thought, this book uses the work of Foucault and Deleuze to re-imagine theory in a way that embraces difference and resistance.
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  36. Social science and bioethics: morality from the ground up.R. G. De Vries, L. Turner, K. Orfali & C. L. Bosk - 2007 - Clinical Ethics 2 (1):33-35.
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    Virtue Ethics in the Military: An Attempt at Completeness.Peer de Vries - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (3):170-185.
    This article elaborates on Alasdair MacIntyre’s virtue ethics, exploring the plausibility of his claim that each praxis has its own appropriate set of virtues. The exploration will be applied to what I term military praxis. Firstly, the article analyses what is meant by the concept of a praxis and how a military praxis can be defined, as well as the wider purpose of military praxis. From there it proceeds to the “internal goods”, the desires, to be realized in joining the (...)
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    Zeppelins: Over Filosofie, Technologie En Cultuur.Gerard de Vries - 1999 - Van Gennep.
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    Chapitres à écrire : Jacques Derrida et la méditation sceptique.Hent de Vries - 2014 - Rue Descartes 82 (3):154-157.
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    (1 other version)Concealment of Information.M. de Vries - 1953 - Synthese 9 (3/5):326.
  41. ΣΩΦΡΟΣϒΝΗ en grec classique.G. J. de Vries - 1943 - Mnemosyne 11:81-101.
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    Introduction.Willem De Vries - 1988 - Topoi 7 (1):3-4.
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  43. Inleiding tot het denken van Plato.G. J. de Vries - 1953 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 143:454-454.
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    Reformation, Revolution, Renovation: The Roots and Reception of the Rosicrucian Call for General Reform.Lyke de Vries - 2021 - BRILL.
    An account of the Rosicrucian manifestos, and in particular their call for a general reformation, in relation to medieval and early modern traditions and reform programs.
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  45. Christliche Philosophie.Joseph de Vries - 1937 - Theologie Und Philosophie 12 (1):1.
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    Denken und sein.Joseph de Vries - 1937 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: Herder & co. g. m. b. h..
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  47. Essentials of Physical Science.J. DE VRIES - 1958
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    Introducing Van riessen’s work in the philosophy of technology.Marc J. de Vries - 2010 - Philosophia Reformata 75 (1):2.
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  49. Lost in Translation? Sociological Observations and Reflections on the Practice of Hospital Chaplaincy.Raymond De Vries, Nancy Berlinger & Wendy Cadge - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  50. Man in Rapid Social Change.Egbert de Vries & Paul Abrecht - 1961
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